
Have any questions, comments or suggestions? Wish to help with a project or point out any issues? Send an e-mail to or fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, typically within 2 days.

I always appreciate any help and the team is constantly looking for assistance.

7 thoughts on “Contact

      1. Hey man, awesome work, I’m just now getting into the .hack novels and you’ve been a great help…

        Where can I find your untranslated work? I know you are doing Kite’s novel (is it called New Testament?), any plans to translate Ragtime? What else is missing?

        Thansk for your awesome work.


      2. Hi, if you’re looking for a list of what’s to come, please check out the project page.

        I do intend to translate Ragtime. The kite novel used to be called New Testament but I decided that was not correct so I changed the title I use.

        There’s lots still missing but I will be translating most of it eventually


  1. How did i not know this ever existed?! You have rekindled my passion for .hack

    Do you think you’ll ever get to translate .hack//Epitaph of the twilight?
    also do you know the name of the light novels that were basically the .hack game series told from Blackroses point of view. I wed them and yet internet is acting like they never existed. I lost them and AI buster when moving about 10+ years ago

    Thank you for all your hard work. If i was better at Japanese I would offer to try to help but I’m barely elementary level… I doubt i would be of any use.


      1. I’ve waited this long to see a translation of Epitaph. Just knowing that it’s going to eventually get done makes it easier to wait longer. I have the original Japanese version, but my ability to translate Japanese is quite limited.


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